FFL Transfers
Incoming FFL Transfers to J and B Guns:
Please review the following Terms & Conditions carefully before havving any firearm shipped to J and B Guns:
All incoming firearms, whether from a manufacturer, distributor or another FFL dealer, must be pre-approved.
When mystery guns arrive without instructions, without a clear indication as to who the sender or intended recipient is, it creates a logistical nightmare for our ATF paperwork requirements.
No firearm will be accepted that has not received our express prior consent in advance. Please contact Janet or Bernie prior to shipping the firearm to authorize an FFL t r ansfer .
Firearms not approved in advance will be refused at the door. The freight company will then be instructed to return to sender.
J and B Guns price is $25 per gun for all approved FFL transfers. An Approved Transfer is any firearm that we don’t ordinarily sell, stock or special order. Examples include used guns, estate sales, inheritances, out-of-production/hard to get guns, guns we simply cannot otherwise offer for sale.
The price for performing transfers on firearms that we normally stock or non-approved transfers, will be $50 per firearm.
All incoming transfers must include a complete invoice that has been securely sealed inside an envelope, taped to the shipping box with the following information:
Attention-FFL Transfer (on envelope taped to outside of package) On invoice inside envelope:
Your Name, Phone Number, and Email
FFL or Seller’s Name, Phone Number and Email Firearm(s) Make, Model and Serial Number
This will allow us to quickly identify your gun when it arrives and federal law dictates you must be the one picking up the firearm. In other words, you transfer the firearm in, but may not legally send anyone else in to pick up the firearm or fill out the paperwork on your behalf.
Please note: J and B Guns is NOT Responsible for damaged or missing items. Please contact the seller/carrier for all claims.
Outgoing FFL Transfers:
There is no fee on any gun sold in our store. The only fee involved will the actual cost of shipping. (Example: $50 per handgun and $75 per long gun standard insurance included) Extra insurance will be charged to the customer.
We offer full service transfers. We will email you before, during and after as a courtesy, so our customers know when and where their firearm is at all times. Weekend full service transfers are at no additional cost.
Please clear every transfer with you local FFL before purchasing a firearm online. Ask for any fees and legal regulations that might be involved, then make sure you are eligible to own or possess the firearm.

General Information
FFL (Federal Firearms License)- provides legal authorization for a dealer to engage in the intrastate and interstate sale of modern firearms.
NICS (National Instant Criminal Background Check System)- regulatory division of the FBI that verifies legal eligibility for firearms purchases.
“Straw” Purchases- an illegal firearm purchase where the actual buyer of the gun, being unable to pass the required federal background check or desiring not to have his or her name associated with the transaction, uses a proxy buyer who can pass the required background check to purchase the firearm for him/her. It is highly illegal and punishable by a $250,000 fine and 10 years in prison.
FFL Transfers allow a firearm to be legally bought or sold over the internet. While there are exceptions to the Gun Control Act of 1968, the person taking possession of the firearm is required to pass an FBI NICS background check.
No gun registration or licensing in Alabama – Once the FBI NICS background check has been approved and you have paid for your transaction, you are clear to take the firearm. The NICS background check is not the same as registration. It simply confirms that you are a legal purchaser.
Most states allow privately held firearms to be shipped directly to an FFL in another state for transfer. A private individual in most states (like Alabama) can legally ship their gun directly to an FFL in another state for legal transfer. Please consult all local, state and federal laws before selling or shipping any firearm.
FFL Transfer Regulations in Alabama (firearms transferred over-the-counter):J and B Guns may ONLY transfer guns over-the -counter to eligible purchasers.
An eligible purchaser is an individual that successfully pass the NICS background check or at the discretion of J and b we can accept concealed and carry permits.Or if you have a valid Mobile County Pistol Permit.The purchaser must not have any state, local or federal law that prohibits the possession or transfer of the firearm.
Handguns may only be transferred over-the-counter to an Alabama resident that is 21 years of age or older.
Rifles or shotguns may be sold or transferred over-the-counter to an out-of-state resident, provided there are no restrictions against it, and is 18 years or older.
We may not mail firearm transactions to a home or business that is not an FFL.
By Federal Law, all FFL transfers must take place in person.
A signed copy of your transfer dealer’s FFL is the fastest and easiest way for J and B Guns to perform FFL transfers. For reason of speed and simplicity, J and B Guns humbly requests an exchange of licenses between our store and your FFL. Our email is jandbguns@gmail.com.
Gun transfers from Non- FFL’s- we do not provide copies of our FFL to individuals.
To confirm that we are a valid FFL, please access the ATF’s online FFL database at https://www.at fonline.gov/fflezcheck. Then, enter the first 3 and then last 5 digits of our FFL (provided upon request at the time of transfer via email) .
Straw Purchases are illegal and will be refused by J and B Guns
Specifically, the purchaser (name on the invoice) must be the person legally taking possession of the firearm – – and no one else.
Please make sure that you’re legally eligible to own a firearm and are willing to fulfill all local, state or municipal requirements before buying a gun.